I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hallo fledgling fan-base.

I forget what I wrote in the first post there... but much has happened since then. I finished my job, bought a sweet laptop, went on a Carribean cruise, and moved to Calgary to start my masters. No kidding. But as 99.999999999% of the people who will read this already know all that, i don't know why I bothered to state it all. Probably for my own enjoyment... yeah thats right, my life is going places.

The apartment is not bad; its small and I have one roommate (quiet respectful easygoing CS student - and also chinese-venezuelan (bet you never met a chinese-venezuelan before)), but the landlord is a really nice guy who is desperate to fix anything I can find wrong with the place, the rent is cheap, and the location is really killer. 15 minutes from geology dept, 5 from co-op and buses/train station, and 15 from a big mall. There's also a big park called Nose Hill park with an outstanding view of the city just up the road. I am aware that my paint-made labels in the picture are barely visible. They say (left to right) university (should extend to left of photo), co-op, apartment (approx). the view is to approximately 285 degrees. From Nose Hill park. Actually its not a hill, its totally flat off into the distance at the top... because it is the prairies, and Calgary-proper is in the Bow River valley.

I'm playing a lot of super nintendo games these days... got an emulator and some great old games... man this takes me back. Its better if you get a gamepad though. Oh yeah you need a special program to unzip them (I think).

Enough for today. Don't worry, my people, I shall return.


Blogger Esperanza Molinar said...

Hahahahahahahhahhaa! Your people??? You makea me chuckle ;)

ps- Tobin says "live long and prosper"

pps- Tobin is really Jenn... due to some anti-non-blogger firewall...

8:59 PM, January 11, 2006

Blogger Esperanza Molinar said...

May the force of your titanium spork ( that's right I said SPORK!) be with you!!!!!

ps: This is ACTUALLY Tobin

9:00 PM, January 11, 2006

Blogger Travis said...

Hey graham, this is your old physics co-student Travis. I found you via Shannon's blog.

I guess im that 0.0000001 % thst didn't know all those things that you have been up to. How is calgary? I used to live in Medicine Hat, in terms of weather, it was soo much nicer than here.
Good luck and all, don't forget to vote/Klein Sucks

1:20 PM, January 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you use illegal roms! We have tracked you to your apartment thanks to your silly picture; we are now preparing to detonate 500 kilo-Tons of explosives under your bed so that you, your roms, and your stupid igneous rocks may be blasted into glorious soft-sediment.

Go suck a neutron star.

The SS (soft-sedimentary) Geologist's league.

4:05 PM, January 12, 2006

Blogger Thérèse said...

Oooh, I like the SSGL.

I don't really understand what SSGL means by what SSGL said, but I like it.

6:19 AM, January 13, 2006


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