I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Friday, September 08, 2006

back to blog life

hoi hoi lowly mortals.

I have returned! Triumphant and glorious and honourable it is. The flights were fine, this time there weren't 18 screaming babies in the seats around me, just one girl behind me who had altitude sickness, but mercifully she refrained from projectile vomiting over the seat and onto my laptop. In fact she wasn't sick at all.

Also, for the first time ever I was able to see, by craning my neck to look rearwards out of the window, the contrail forming from the engine exhaust gases. This was because for the first time I was towards the back of a plane and we were heading towards the setting sun (which illuminated the contrail). It was basically an orange-tinted wisp of cloud, but very thin and moving backwards at tremendous speed.

Anyway I've been screwed over by the fees office... thankfully the department financial secretary is great and helped to sort things out, but I still had to go to the fees office, on the friday of the weekend before classes begin, to pay the $70 I owed. It was a nasty lineup but I just took a number (why doesn't UNB use that system?) and went back an hour later. Then a half hour after that. Then finally I had to wait another 45 minutes for it to go from number 332 to 335. So all in all not a productive afternoon.

But on to far more interesting topics, like my grand plans for the web. I plan to shock and amaze all with my forthcoming NEW BLOG (and subsidiary glossary blog like Thérèse has). Many of you will not give a tinker's cuss about the new blog, but never fear, grumball will still exist and be my main life-update one (and posting place for amusing pictures, and for whatever else I feel like, as usual). The new one will be updated less frequently but it will take some time to construct the glossary anyway. It's really very simple: this is going to be about cars. In particular, cars that I plan to test drive this fall, and perhaps news about cars that are soon to be unleashed upon the market. The posts may get technical, hence the need for a glossary, but I'll be sure to write in such a way that any barely-literate person could understand it. eg: "car go fast". Perhaps that'll be the title of the first post, which does indeed reflect my opinion of the vehicle I tested in freddytown two weeks ago. I'll be trying to show as objectively as possible the benefits vs cost of each car. I'm toying with the idea of a rating system that works by judging the features of the car versus the cost.

At present I have no intention of acquiring a car for myself. Just testing a bunch of awesome ones for fun.

Anyway I'll be continuing to check up on the blogs of y'all, so long as they're not just blogs of yore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are hereby banned from test-driving all cars, even used ones. Good luck with your ratings now. HAHAHAHAHA

10:41 AM, September 09, 2006

Blogger Grumball said...

I'll be using a pseudonym (i.e. not "grumball"), and I look quite different from that photo. Good luck stopping me, losers!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

1:07 PM, September 09, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:14 PM, September 10, 2006

Blogger Grumball said...

I understand... but to be completely anal about it, I actually said "contrail forming from the exhaust gases", which fits correctly with your description since I say "forming from", implying the exhaust gases are a catalyst for the generation of the contrail, which indeed they are.

In actual fact I had no idea, but conveniently my sentence can be interpreted in this way, and I now claim that this meaning was my intention from the beginning.


7:33 PM, September 24, 2006


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