I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Friday night at the Snooty Fox

As promised here are some wicked photos from my last night with some F'ton friends 4 days ago. This was a great test of the new camera, which performed brilliantly (note detail on fiver below). Some shots are blurred due to me not taking them. In fairness, Joe was able to produce some non-blurry ones too.

First: Me as the devil, or some sort of cyborg. I know this red-eye joke is long dead, but never in my entire life have I ever seen it like this (it's dark in the bar so pupils are large). My haircut is currently stupid because I'm going to grow it out over this summer. The transition phase is the worst part. Also I'm not going to shave, and right now my facial hair is also stupid. It will improve.

Next: Witness the Hotness. In particular of Shannon and Sarah. Also notice Joe's cold steel-blue eyes, and how they are almost exactly the same colour as his shirt. Joe, do you choose your clothing to match your eyes? Do you have a "hitman" alter-ego? L-R: Steve ("Shaggz" now with short hair but name has stuck), Shannon, Sarah (as of this evening my "fiancé"), Joe ("Hophus", or just "Hoph"), and Dan.

Next: The happy couple. Note: I'm only in it for the free trips (she's a qualified pilot).

Next: Shaggz and Shannon. I have no idea why his expression is like that. Perhaps he's laughing but very sleepy. Maybe he's on drugs, or perhaps the one or two beer he's had have had a rather unexpectedly sudden effect.
Next: Sarah, Hoph, and Dan. Dan may or may not be hooting. I have no idea whether Joe ever finished that sandwich.

Next: I have the camera soft-case on my right ear. It is possible Shannon is attempting to remove it with her teeth, or just extremely shocked by its presence. My expression may call into question the depth of my commitment to Sarah. A collection of trilobites is visible.

Next: It is possible that Sarah's level of commitment is also questionable. Note Hoph is doing a Groucho Marx thing. You should all rent "Duck Soup" if you've never seen it.

Last: The five dollar bill mentioned up top there. This was taken on the table there, with the "macro" mode on. This is why I got the camera. Think of the rock shots - I won't need a bloody microscope!
Note: Shannon, Sarah, and Dan: you need good nicknames. Other than "perv", despite that that moniker certainly applies; it would be confusing because it can apply to anybody.

Anyway it was great to hang out with all of you guys... Cheers for now!


Blogger jenn said...

Wow!!! You got PORN spam! You must feel oh- so special now ;)

In other news- great pics! I especially like the one of you and Sarah- Sarah that's a particularly awedsome shot of you.

Congrats on the engagement! Let me know when you've set a date ;)

8:49 AM, May 24, 2006


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