I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Monday, July 24, 2006

more headlines

Hey yo. Big troubles getting into another fly camp; tons of fires around (weather hot and breezy), and then last night a massive electrical storm passed through due to the intense heat and humidity in the Okanagan. All the pilots are rushing about trying to insert crews and observe fires and carry buckets. Anyway, so we're debating what to do right now. This afternoon for the hell of it we may go whitewater rafting.

Anyway here's some headlines. I love the absurdity of the first one.
"firm trying to be more customer friendly" - perhaps you shouldn't sit there with a massive machine gun turret pointing at whoever's sitting across from you...

that's just cruel.
hmmm... "a guy named 'Beast'". Yeah, sounds trustworthy.

This explains a lot about mucky's.

That's it for now.

is anyone reading this anymore?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

back for a day or two

thoughts go to shannon and family.

camp was good, except for losing two full days and about three half-days to rain (out of a full 11 work days). We're doing a short truck camp now, back on Sunday, then off on a week-long fly camp. Saw some pretty crazy rocks and minerals... found 10 cm + kyanites at one locality, 2-3 cm euhedral garnets at another. The scenery was pretty good too.This was the view as I brushed my teeth one morning.

Things are working out great with Cory (field assistant, or "monkey" if you like), as most of you know my memory is pretty useless, and luckily he's good at remembering stuff that I frequently forget. He's also learning quickly how to identify folds, get measurements, and obtain tricky samples.

Let me know about your summers.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

over the hills and a long way off

we fly sometime shortly after two pm (3 hrs). Still gotta buy our food for 12 days, but the list is made up and ready. Be in the field camp until the 17th. Lots of pretty pictures likely to come, as a result! Camp coordinates (NEMR, NAD83): 0384500, 5769300.

Cheers, and be safe... you people insisting on living among the dangers of human civilisation. I swear if there's some global disaster we're the most likely to survive.

PS Strip mining prevents forest fires.

over the hills and a long way off

we fly sometime shortly after two pm (3 hrs). Still gotta buy our food for 12 days, but the list is made up and ready. Be in the field camp until the 17th. Lots of pretty pictures likely to come, as a result! Camp coordinates (NEMR, NAD83): 0384500, 5769300.

Cheers, and be safe... you people insisting on living among the dangers of human civilisation. I swear if there's some global disaster we're the most likely to survive.

PS Strip mining prevents forest fires.