tales of treachery, evil, and deceit
Joe wins again, and again its by default, but also because what he submitted is very funny. If it sucked I would have awarded him the loss and myself the win for outwitting you all with that photo. The device is some sort of solar powered thing; I should have put "click to enlarge" on the picture. I thought something along the lines of "Harper and security experts discuss how to diffuse a solar powered bomb planted by environmental extremists" could work. Or perhaps, noting the expression of the man standing at left, "Suddenly, Jim noticed the red digital timer counting backwards from 10 on the rather strange gift from the Liberals."
Anyway, here's the next one.

I'm trying to get more bizarre photos that we can all have more fun with; these political ones are becoming uninteresting. To spice things up here's a couple of King Klein, premier of this insanely rich province for 13 years (it's easy to get re-elected in a time of great prosperity), who is now resigning to pursue other pursuits.

On to the other topic of today's post... bitter hatred and warring between floor factions in the Earth Sciences building. There is one bathroom per sex per floor in this building, all situated directly across from the elevators and stairs. I'm on the 5th floor. So earlier this afternoon I went to use the bathroom, which is the sovereign territory of those most brave of 5th floor patriots. Now here's the way things went down, and pay attention cause the timing is critical. I relieve myself, flush, and head over to the sinks to wash my hands. I rinse off the soap, and head towards the paper towel dispenser. Before I reach it another guy enters the room and heads, initially, in my direction (I only hear him). I press the lever a couple of times and find that, as per the norm, there is no towel in the dispenser. There never is, I dunno why they even have them. They should dispense with them. Anyway, there's always a large roll sitting on a shelf by the door, at the other end of the bathroom, for us to use when there's nothing in the dispenser. So I turn around to go get some. As I do I catch a split second, a single frame, if you will, of buddy departing with the entire roll in hand, and then the door shuts. I paused, slightly baffled, then pursued this thief, enraged. As I exited the bathroom, drying my hands on my jeans and looking around angrily, I saw the doors close on one elevator and the door to the stairs close, at the same time. I rushed to the door to the stairs, but it was not the same person. Foiled!! To date, the mysterious paper towel snatcher from floors unknown has yet to be caught.
What gets me is that he knew to grab the stuff by the door because he saw and heard that there was none in the dispenser because I was there finding out for us both... and decided to screw me royally, along with the next people who wash their hands before checking for towel. It was blatant and offensive, and he's VERY lucky he escaped. The beatings would have been severe. The man is described as caucasian, about 6'1, large-ish, with a black leather jacket and blue jeans, and black hair, possibly with gel in it. Probably a treacherous geographer from the 3rd or 4th floor realm.
We'll send them a few faxes decrying this act and rubbishing their field of study. Memorize a few capital cities and learn a bit of surficial geology and you're a geographer. bah.
Let's get more than one person to suggest a caption this time. You all have senses of humour and wit... get cracking!
Thus ends post.
Dude on right: "you wanna take this outside?"
Martin: "Yeah, let's go, bitch, under the willow trees"
Dude on right: "come on, bring it"
Lord: *smirk* "yeah, what he said!"
4:17 PM, September 21, 2006
Klein pic 1: Since when did they start putting girls in these podiums?
Klein pic 2: "Rodney? Is that you?" -Klein, on meeting his long-lost twin brother, Rodney Dangerfield
4:34 PM, September 21, 2006
Caption for 1st image- DEFEATED
The battle wages in Premier Lord's mind:
-C'mon...speak up, you coward! Say something!
-No no, I don't want to interfere
-Don't be a chicken! Assert yourself!
-They look really busy, maybe they don't want to hear about problems in New Brunswick right now...
-If not now, when will they ever listen?! The Prime Minister is right there, this could be your only opportunity of the conference!...
-well, alright, maybe I could interject politely....
(thoughts interupted by PM Martin)
Martin-Ah! Bernard! Is there anything I can do for you?
Lord- Yes, there is...uhhh...that is to say, ummmm....well...no, sorry, no...sir.
Martin-Alright, but listen, don't be afraid to come talk to me at any time aboout any issue
Lord-Yessir, I will do that.
5:25 PM, September 25, 2006
For Caption 2
You know, I could really eat a banana right about know....
5:29 PM, September 25, 2006
Caption 3
There's life outside Alberta??????
5:31 PM, September 25, 2006
Caption 2
Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money....
6:50 PM, September 25, 2006
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