Things that annoy me.
This post is rather angry at times. There's more things I could mention, but the list goes on. I've been bombarded recently by too much stuff by ignorant, insecure people about equally ignorant, insecure people. There's also some more lighthearted ones in there.
The Two-Moron Principle adopted by most radio pop music programmes. Instead of employing one moronic DJ per show as in the past, they now give us two in a moronic crosstalk act. (Also the music content of such radio programmes.)
Frivolous artwork by self-important, talentless half-wits, erroneously touted as "unique" or "revolutionary" by pompous idiots (ostensibly "critics"). This applies as much to music, theatre, and film work as it does to painting, sculpture, etc.

"Celebrity" chefs who invent perversely inedible dishes such as escargot pie and haddock-flavoured ice cream – and then charge gullible customers an additional fortune for having their plates dotted with spots of foam.
Houses with paranoid security lights that switch themselves on accusingly as you pass their front gates.
Newspaper or website writers who talk about their "mailbag".
PA announcements about delayed/cancelled flights that apologise for any inconvenience they "may" have caused.
The way police officers and chiefs always look and sound like idiots by trying to use big professional words in TV interviews.
Characters in Victorian TV/movie dramas who, when elated, punch the air and go "Yesssss!".
Guys in rusty '88 Supras or Trans Ams projecting a thudding beat from a sound system with more power than the engine.
Reality TV.
Shallow materialistic celebrities, and the desire most youth have to emulate them.
False experts who sound intelligent, but in reality are armed only with thesauruses and strong opinions. People who spout so knowingly about global warming exemplify the group. At least read the fucking literature before attempting to pass yourself off as an expert.
Speaking of which, the entire global warming panic. If you're on this bandwagon, open your mind and read some actual research (request it and I'll compile a comprehensive list of references). If you're helping to push the wagon, take a hard look at why, at who you're really supporting. Environmental interest groups are big money. Whether you realise it or not, you are using scare tactics to support a frenzy with little serious scientific backing, and it's frankly dangerous to society (for historical precedent, read about eugenics before WW2). The media, politicians, environmental groups, activists, and general public (for allowing ourselves to be swept along) alike are all to blame. See above for ways to remedy a lack of comprehension of environmental science and how it's in its infancy.
I guess it comes down to me being annoyed by shallow, materialistic, irrational, intolerant, stupid, change-fearing, money-grubbing, insecure people in general. Good God.
Thats the rant. Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow (or Friday). Including a new awesome photo contest and results from the last one. You'll love it.
Such anger! Clearly you are in love with your mother.
10:56 AM, September 27, 2006
One cannot deny the force of your arguments.
10:58 AM, September 27, 2006
it's all relative, though.
11:01 AM, September 27, 2006
it's all relative, though.
11:01 AM, September 27, 2006
it's all relative, though.
11:04 AM, September 27, 2006
Mr. Freud: your reasoning is elusive.
Mr. Newton: damn straight.
Mr. Einstein: you are stuck. Perhaps caught in a relativistic loop.
11:43 AM, September 27, 2006
I agree with alberts second post, but not his third...not sure about his first one, I'll have to think about it...perhaps sigmund is in love with your mother, and is projecting his feelings of insecurity onto you...but he's right on one point-you are the angriest person I know Grum
5:01 PM, September 28, 2006
I'm so angry I can use my mind to rip metal attachments off the walls, or whatever machine I'm strapped to. Meanwhie my supervisor stands off to one side and laughs maniacally. It's all rather strange.
5:14 PM, September 29, 2006
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