I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Election Day and Other Rabbits

Hey Canadian friends of voting age! Its election day and time to decide which group of corrupt, lying, immoral, conniving, childish, insidious, theiving bastards is going to run our country for a bit, so get out and vote for the ones you like best where ever you are! I know many of you think there is no point, and there isn't, but do it just the same, if only to shut up the old people who complain about us lackadaisical young people.

Polls yesterday were:
NDP: 18%
LIB: 27%
CON: 37%


Being better than all of you I already voted, because that's what they do for better people. An immaculate Jeeves comes around to your place with a golden ballot (that's worth 1,000 regular ballots) on a solid silver platter, and you sign it with a pen made of uranium-238 and filled with mercury (you don't want to steal that one, and not just because it's rather heavy).

So what is it that makes Canada such a wonderful democracy? Well the only difference between our current state and a despotic single party rule system is the fact that we have, in genuine existence, the Conservatives and the NDP. Nevertheless we only usually vote for the Liberals anyway, so understandably they've become a bit used to it. This time it appears to be different, though. Finally the Canadian public looks like they have decided they're fed up with corruption in the obese Liberals, and may vote them out.

Trouble is the only other option that isn't generally derided as a wasted vote is the Conservatives. They have the platform that meshes the least successfully with my own well constructed view of how the universe (or at least the country) should be run. To be honest none of the big parties meet my demanding requirements. But the NDP is closest (they appear to at least somewhat care about the environment, which as my degree has taught me is rapidly going to shit). But since they are seen as a wasted vote, they are a wasted vote. Poor Layton during the debates, trying to appeal to people "please, we're not idiots, we could do this, give us a chance...". More spending with no tax increase while maintaining a balanced budget? That leaves the budget surplus for more spending and that's it. They're dreamers, but so are the other parties and I prefer the NDP dream.

The party platforms each have their good points, and the conservatives will probably do good things for our economy (which is pretty good already), but wave goodbye to that marijuana decriminalisation bill, and same sex marriage may be revoked, and we may even start to get those "darwinism vs creationism" issues like they have in the states (sorry it's "creation science", and if there was ever a more stretched definition of the word "science" I never saw it). Harper appeared and spoke at an anti gay-marriage rally on parliament hill last year. This really bothered me; that's not your forum for complaint, Mr. Harper. I also get the distinct impression that his idea of contributing to the environment is passing wind.

And let's look at the candidates: Martin looks like he and his party have been at the trough for too long (he sometimes looks like an overweight chipmunk), Harper always looks like he's sneering (he reminds me of a weasel), and only Layton actually looks like he cares. He probably doesn't give a rat's ass but what's important is that it appears that he does.

I suppose since he's just a C-train and bus ride away, I could go and party with Harper like he's an old friend I've always supported... then get roaring drunk and spend the night trying to jump between him and tv cameras. Or holding up Communist Party of Canada signs in the background whenever he's on camera.

I think that the best idea is if whoever gets in with a minority government makes as big a hash of it as they possibly can for one year, then a non confidence vote can get us an election in which there is a more clear choice... and we can make a firm decision.

I've complained a lot in this post about our own brand of government, but to be honest I don't think too much will change for me whoever gets in. Canada is an amazing country to live in and I count myself extremely lucky to live here now. It can always be improved and we should never stop striving to improve it, but they don't vote us the best place to live in the world for nothing.

And the other rabbit in the post (hahaha sounds like a Monty Python sketch... "Excuse me I'd like to mail this rabbit-shaped parcel to Leicester") is the one living near me. I saw it on Friday night while I was returning from the store; a white (cat, I thought) ran across the road down the street from me and almost got nailed by a pickup turning onto the street, the driver of which was trying his/her best to kick the tail out with the throttle (and frankly not doing a very good job). Then last night while returning from the co-op I saw it again. It was in the band of park-like tree-lined-grassland-with-path that runs behind the co-op and other stores of the Brentwood Centre. Again I thought "Oh, a white cat." but then it approached me and I saw that it was more of a loping style of movement, so for a second I thought it was an injured cat and maybe dodging in front of sketchy drivers had caught up with it. Then of course I saw the ears and all was clear. It was one big rabbit (big as a large cat). It wasn't afraid of me, it passed within three metres at a casual lope, and then I crouched down, held out my hand, and tried to get its attention. It stopped, and looked sideways at me. It's expression was clear: "what the hell is this idiot thinking? Does he really believe a bunch of clicking sounds and a clearly empty upturned palm are going to make me want to be his best friend? Loser." And off it loped into the night.

So there's a rabbit with an attitude in my neighborhood, and it scares me. It's big and hides well in the snow, and if it's not afraid of skill-less loonys attempting to powerslide half-tons, what chance do I have?!

Suggestions please.



Blogger jenn said...

First of all, I would pay good money to see you to do the thing with the CPC flag... if you could get past CSIS at the door... please oh please won't you try?!?!?

Second- the Rabbit... show no fear- they can smell fear. And next time you see it, pretend to ignore it. See if reverse psychology works on rabbits as well as it does on humans.

1:04 PM, January 23, 2006

Blogger Grumball said...

Thanks for the help guys... but thankfully we had 11 degrees today and the snow is again all gone. Tough for the lagomorphan to ambush me now. Sarah you make a damn good point, and I'll be wearing an iron neck brace every time I go out from now on.

4:32 PM, January 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your rodent references in your tirade against the party candidates......I had to choose between the Marxist/Leninists and the communists in my riding....the only way to defeat a rabbit is to think like a rabbit, like jenn said, rabbits can smell fear, so the only way to establish dominance is to act as an alpha-rabbit would in the wild....if you don't establish your territorial supremecy now, then that competitor will have free reign in your neighbourhood. Put him in his place.

4:36 PM, January 23, 2006

Blogger Thérèse said...

I should have thought the answer to the rabbit question would be simple; snare and trap. And then, dinner, ta-da!

7:44 AM, January 24, 2006

Blogger jenn said...

I love the way you think, Therese ;) ps- do you know what veggies go well with roast rabbit?

11:53 AM, January 24, 2006

Blogger Thérèse said...

Onion, carrots, garlic, lime, lemon, tomato.

Yum yum.

1:32 PM, January 26, 2006


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