I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Second post today.... I got tagged (by jenn)

Don't forget to read my first post today, below. It's a few moments' laugh.

Four Jobs You've Had In Your Life:
1. Paper Boy, the Daily Gleaner, Fredericton
2. Research Assistant, Structural Geology, UNB (field assistant, twice)
3. Research Assistant, Geophysics, UNB
4. Geologist, TerrAtlantic Engineering Ltd.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1. The Matrix (first one only)
2. Gladiator
3. Lord of the Rings Series
4. Star Wars series

Four Places You've Lived:
1. Cambridge, England (1.5 yrs)
2. Fredericton, NB (~19 yrs)
3. Ormskirk, England (1 yr)
4. Calgary, AB (since Jan 4, 2006)

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
1. Top Gear
2. MXC
3. Simpsons
4. CSI (original Las Vegas series)

Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
1. Isle of Mull, Scotland
2. Santorini, Greece
3. Old Man River, Belize
4. Ste. Sauveur, Quebec

Four Blogs You Visit Daily:
1. Artificialexistence
2. Jennsrandomcity
3. Shoeism
4. Chocoholicdreams

Four of Your Favourite Foods
1. Steak
2. Indian stuff
3. Fish Pie
4. Ruffles All-Dressed Chips

Four Places You'd Rather Be:
1. Mountains
2. River kayaking
3. Field Mapping, anywhere
4. Kicking my friends' arses at Smash Bros

Four Vehicles You've Owned:
(not at financial stage of car ownership, cars were my parents')
1. 2001 Toyota Rav4, standard. So fun, so great in the snow, I love it. 2.0L I4 vvt-i.
2. 2001 Honda Odyssey. Amazing sounding v6 3.0L vtec. (btw in the last 15 yrs Honda has made over 17 million vtec engines. Not one of them has gone wrong.)
3. 1995 Ford Windstar. Crap mechanically, but nicely done inside and comfy. 3.6L V6 (most wasteful and least powerful engine of all, way to go Ford)
4. 1989 Chevy Blazer (fullsize one). Crap inside, but amazing as a field vehicle. 5.7L v8.

Four People to be Tagged:
(I think most of those I know have already been hit....)
1. Sarah
2. Tobin
3. Shannon (if Jenn hasn't already got to her)
4. Joe (make a blog you stressed out madman!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was tagged back in grade 2, if memory serves.

3:33 PM, January 21, 2006


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