what tune is this?
Results of last Caption Contest:
Anonymous wins, as the only entry. He/she may pick up his/her prize of $678,000 at my office anytime within the next two hours, so long as they have two valid pieces of identification.
I'm not doing a contest this time, as I don't have the time to go looking for a good picture. But I have a question for all: who is this by (click for bigger)?

If you know it let me know. If you can tell me, and if the song is the one I am thinking of, you'll get a prize. Much like the one anonymous now has 1hr 50 minutes left to pick up, only the negative reciprocal of it.
In auto blog news, I'm still gradually building the glossary. It's turned into a mammoth task. I've also found that much of what I want to say is already in Wikipedia, although often missing some stuff or outright incorrect. I might just write up the first couple of posts anyway, although I don't think I'll have much of a readership. If you want to review a car, any car, I can put your review up on the blog.
Review of all minivans: boring
Review of all Fords, Chryslers, GMs, Buicks, Oldsmobiles, and Chevrolets, Hyundis, etc. (basically all Korean and American cars): complete and absolute rubbish
Review of Land Rovers and Cadillacs: Overpriced, inefficient rubbish, but big.
Review of all Hondas and Toyotas: reliable, respectable rubbish with middling to moderate performance. Decent gas milage. The best bet for most people the average "I just want a car that gets me from point A to point B" idiot.
Review of all Subarus and Mazdas: Toy-inspired rubbish with generally good performance (at least for the cars), and great (for Subaru) to acceptable (for Mazda) reliability.
Review of all Supercars: Totally awsome, but completely rubbish for doing anything other than racing, impressing your friends, and driving in the dry, and destroying the environment.
So basically, the car you end up with is bound to be rubbish in one way or another. The key is to figure out what you want from a car, and find the one that does that best.
7:08 PM, October 07, 2006
Ah, Joe. How I have missed your patented brand of optimism ;)
Oh, and no clue about the music... my musical reading skills evaporated sometime after 7th grade band... I think that space is currently being occupied by a fraction of the mindless trivia that seems to accumulate in my synapses.
8:53 PM, October 07, 2006
Hoph: you missed a few. What about german cars, like VW, Merc, BMW, or Porsche? Reliable and fast? Some would say clinical and boring (except for porsche, which are usually praised as everyday-useable supercars). And what about the small British sports car makers, like Lotus, Noble, or Ariel? What about the other europeans; Renault, Citroen, Fiat, Peugeot, Skoda, Vauxhall etc? I guess half are owned by US companies so that answers that, but the others? Also Nissan probably fits in with Subaru, and I'd put Mazda halfway between that category and the US rubbish one, since most of their cars are jointly built with Ford (not the one I'm interested in, it's all Japanese).
Jenn - Good to hear from ya... it's been a while! Trivia is damn useful stuff, you must do well playing along with Jeopardy eh?
9:32 AM, October 08, 2006
Oh and I forgot about the Scandinavian cars, Volvo and Saab. Both companies build powerful cars touted as very safe. Volvos have grown into ridiculously powerful and expensive AWD semi-luxury family cars, Saab are allegedly built like fighter jets, but I'd have to say that with that performance potential in mind they miss the mark substantially. I never saw a Saab 9-3 do an inverted roll before shooting down a MiG.
9:36 AM, October 08, 2006
Can't say I've ever played along with Jeopardy, but I love a good game of the ol' Trivial Pursuit ;)
5:42 AM, October 16, 2006
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