I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Friday, April 07, 2006

best suggestions of lost things and other stuff

The best suggestions were brain cells and sanity, which are often related. Thus I declare trek and Sarah to be the winners. However everyone made excellent suggestions; keys and cellphone are annoying as hell to lose but at least replaceable. Such things are not the end of the world.

I was, however, disappointed that we didn't get any crackpot theories about the nature of the ether itself. For shame. I personally picture it as a sort of parallel universe, or better yet a "subuniverse" of this one. It would be an infinite white space, possibly foggy so you can't see very far. Breathable air and a ground surface with Earth-like gravity and physical laws. However all entirely white everywhere, providing no reference points at all. But then if you walked around you'd start to find things in the fog. Like socks, keys, brain cells, and the sanity of stressed out people. Sound wouldn't travel past your visibility range. I dunno why, it's just the way it would be. There would probably be a large population of sock gremlins, hanging out by portals that lead into dryers. Obviously these portals only open when the dryer is running, that's why we never see them. I'm convinced that the portals would be kinda glowing green and misty, bobbing in the air and possibly emitting a low humming sound.

Here's some more real headlines that crack me up:

I love the "smile of the week". I'd be smiling if I was going to buy some sheep. And regarding the one about breathing being good for you... why is it only "most" doctors?
The last one's a survey of Americans... the question starts "Now that Iraq has..." (then continues as you can see). That answer is simply fantastic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know 3 is a good round number, and it has historical significance from World War Two, but why can't we add many more countries/places/etc to the axis of evil....like all those suggestions, but also Denmark, Saturn, the Fox news channel, surly sales attendants, stephen Harper, Joe.....

9:44 AM, April 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Steve, his family, their family, and anyone in an Arts faculty.

11:53 AM, April 08, 2006

Blogger León said...

Hi Grum!!

I like the "Headlines"..
I'm on my way out, 'cuz Tobin and her friend Gilly are in my town.

Let's see what happen.

I'll post you later.

9:08 PM, April 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

G-funk. Your theory of the ether is most definitely correct. It has been aptly exemplified by my inability to see or hear outside of my foggy white thesis bubble for the last couple weeks. You see, one day last month while in search of my keys (which I lost every day I went home to sleep for ~2 hrs) I decided I might as well also go in search of my lost sanity. Just days ago I stumbled out, keys in hand, thesis and sanity intact… with a back-pack full of odd socks. Please tell your friend Jenn she can pick them up sometime. Also... if you know anyone missing a back-pack... I found one of those too.

11:09 PM, April 09, 2006


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