super excitement, including contest results and technoscience.
I said I was excited about Tintin, well that's nothing compared to my excitement regarding this. Yes, as you may have seen in the news last Friday, they've developed a device that hides objects from microwaves, and this is expandable to the whole EM spectrum, including visible light. In other words, within a couple of decades we may have true 'cloaking' devices. Remember all those pranks you wanted to pull as a kid, if you were invisible? The time has come. As Shaggz said, even if we're old men by the time it's commercially available, we'll go to school invisible and empty trash cans over teachers' heads.
In other exciting news, they're getting closer to a viable space tether every year. There's an "X-prize" for tether technology. At present the biggest obstacles are the high tensile strength required of tether material, and in how you power an elevator (since hundreds of thousands of km of electrical wires are going to add prohibitive weight to the system). It is the cheapest conceivable way to get things into orbit.
Another neat scientific advancement is this nano-gel they've developed that stops bleeding near-instantly. Could cut surgery times in half. It's neat to see this sort of advancement taking place, and to think we might one day tell our grandchildren that we grew up in a world without cloaking devices, space tethers, or nano-gel. And whatever else gets invented between now and then.
Anyway, here's what you really read this for. Photo contest results!! We had Harper musing about something that makes him smile, and good ol' Stockwell being an idiot, as usual. Like that time he arrived at a press conference in a wetsuit, on a jetski. How can you vote for such a man?!
I personally would have suggested:
harper: "I bet I could save a lot of cash by switching to Geico."
day: "Day's touchdown victory dance led him to runway 36L, where he was finally taken out by flight 354 from Edmonton."
However, I'm inelegible.
For the Harper one, I like how he's kinda having a "Stephen" moment up there. To me it looks like he's gazing into space absent mindedly. You may disagree, but it's my contest. And with that in mind, Shannon wins, Sarah second. I prefer to think he's not mentally capable of orchestrating the demise of the premier of NL, even if it's as simple as "Hello, my personal elite guard? Go eliminate Mr. Williams". Shannon's comment for "Klein pic 1" a few contests ago would work equally well, I think.
For the Day one, Shaggz wins. Although I like Jenn's and Sarah's, which are on the same theme, so you two tie for second. While it is funny to think of him as a whiny little boy, him being ejected for showboating is even better.
Okay a post full of links, with no photos and few jokes. So we'll end with:
Q: Why don't blind people skydive?
A: It scares the heck out of the dog.