I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Friday, February 03, 2006

annoying people, being annoyed, and a contest

So I've been a total ass without realising it. I've been running my bittorrent downloads almost 24/7 recently, because they've been rather slow (averaging a total download speed of like 20-30 kbps). The reason for this, I discovered, is that Shaw Cable limits your connection speed if you're using any p2p filesharing programs. The thing is, it doesn't just limit your connection to the p2p network. No, it drastically slows your entire internet connection. So basically everyone in the house has been wondering why the internet has been so slow this last week... well now we know. And as a true gentleman, I told everybody it was my fault and I will from now on only run my downloads between 4 am and about 1 pm, when usage is at its minimum. In truth only Alex my roommate was getting really screwed as he does a lot of online gaming and kept getting server timeouts late at night. Bloody Shaw. We were supposed to switch to an even higher speed connection with a local company called "cybersurf", but they sucked ass because the hookup instructions were incomprehensible and they never sent anyone around to help out. A shame because they're the fastest available in Calgary right now.

Let me tell you something that annoys me. People mixing up "effect" and "affect" in scientific textbooks. I bought this massive metamorphic petrology textbook for like $150, and in the first three pages of the first chapter I had found three grammatical errors. One of which was an effect/affect mixup. IT'S INCREDIBLY SIMPLE!!!!! AN EFFECT AFFECTS SOMETHING!!!!! This annoys me almost as much as getting caught behind someone doing 50 in the Lincoln Road 70 zone between Dunn's Crossing and Wilsey Road used to. If I'm paying that much, the editor should at least be able to read and correct the first chapter. I dread to think how many errors may exist in the whole book.

To change the tone of this post and hopefully provide some amusement for all, here's a small contest. Everyone is to think of a band name that you think is good, maybe lots. Points are for depth of meaning, wittiness, and making me laugh. Ill start with one which has been a personal favourite since I took Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology in third year:

Metamorphic Sole - It refers to the highly sheared underside of an ophiolite (a large slab of oceanic crust and mantle, thrust onto land by tectonic forces). I just like how metamorphic = change of shape, and sole sounds like soul, only not the music genre please. Very deep. Feel free to suggest the kind of music they play too; Metamorphic Soul would probably play some sort of relaxing electronica, or intellectual rock, like a perfect circle only less pretentious.

Puns get more points. I used to have a whole slew of good ones (actually they're in my field book from the mactaquac dam job). If I remember them I'll put them in later posts. This contest will be open for a while. So anytime you get a great band name in your head, just post a comment here and I'll periodically rate them. Obviously you can rate them too.

And if you read this and don't post anything, I'll hunt you down and force you to eat your favourite stuffed animal. I don't care if you don't think you can come up with anything, use your imagination! Combine random words like "synchronous" and "bloodbath" and... hey that's actually pretty good. You see we have no standards here. Here's a selection of crap off the top of my head:

Attack of the Stapler
Thermal City
Automatic Sideboard
Esoteric Fetidity
Fibrous Flux

You see, it's easy. And there's way better ones than that to be suggested. Of those I suppose I like the first and last ones the best. The last one only a few will get, or at least know the origins of. I have digs.

K it was long and disjointed, but it's over now. Do your thing.


Blogger jenn said...

And a stickler is born... if you know not of what I speak, read 'Eats, Shoots, and Leaves' as quickly as possible. It won't be long, Grum, before you're skulking around Calgary with a Sharpie, correcting other people's grammatical errors... Was that last comma necessary?

Mother of Invention
Blind Camera
Broken Tile
No Fly Zone
Blood Red Midnight
Apathy Inc.

There... I'm not sure if those suit bad b-movies or bands, but it'll do for now.

10:01 PM, February 04, 2006

Blogger shannon said...

I don't want you to make me eat Bunky, my favourite stuffed bear that I have had since I was a kid. And i'm sure I puked on it a few times, come on, kids are disgusting.

Frontfire Stage-phoning
Male Answer Syndrome
Alpha Geek

12:30 PM, February 05, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come my comment disappeared?

3:25 PM, February 05, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, here are the band names again....if you deleted them Grum you'll have to do it again

Spontaneous Combustion- a high energy improv. fusion/funk/rock band, lots of intense jams....think of some stuff by John Scofield or Jeff Beck perhaps?

Political Science- An angry emcee (nature of Rage or Warsaw Pac etc) spittin' out some politically charged rhymes over very complex math-funk with crazy time signatures...probably lots of sampling/dub etc

The Elastic Band(has it been used?) A versatile cover band that can stretch their repertoire from classic 50s to 90s rock.

K-Rhyme (pronounced crime) A self-important rapper that tells it like it is by extoling the virtues of being a pimp, going to jail and shooting policeman.....all his songs must feature at minimum one other artist, probably more.

I really like some of the other suggestions, particularly Male Answer Syndrome and Apathy Inc.....I believe Mothers of Invention is taken (Frank Zappa's band) Best band name that i know exists....Screaming Lord Sutch and his raving Looney Band.....hard to top that.....

3:43 PM, February 05, 2006

Blogger Grumball said...

Excellent all of you! My favourites so far have to be No Fly Zone (NFZ is a good short name too), Male Answer Syndrome, and K-Rhyme (very fitting indeed, and typical). Apathy Inc. is pretty terrific too, I suppose they'd play for our upcoming National Apathy Party convention. Oh wait no they probably wouldn't.

Steve I have no idea how your comment was deleted, but I didn't do it. Either you did, or (perhaps more likely) you accessed this page before they shut the site down for maintenance (yesterday afternoon/evening) and tried to post after it had been shut down. This is possible but your comment would have been lost, since there was nothing to send it to, temporarily.

Looking forward to seeing more suggestions!

5:53 PM, February 05, 2006


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