I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Friday, March 03, 2006


I've become such a blog slacker. I guess probably because it takes three extra clicks to get to the "create post" page to create new words, rather than the one it takes to get to the blog page to read my old words which are, of course, sheer literary brilliance. But seriously, I haven't had much to write about. And now I could spend ages telling you all gleefully about my new clothes in great detail, my trip to the music store (I left empty handed, unless you count the $4500 I saved by restraining myself from getting the keyboard setup I want), or TAing yesterday, but I won't because you won't find it interesting and I don't want to bother.

I must apologise to those I usually chat with in the early (for me) evenings. Since the Bond series download finished on wednesday I've been doing the same thing every evening; I get in around 6 or 7, make dinner, and eat it while watching a bond movie, and maybe an episode or two of simps. Thus it's usually 9 or 10 by the time I'm free to chat... and you've all gone to bed. So for the last week or so I've been incommunicado with ma peeps from the East side.

Haven't been able to bike much because as soon as I put my bike back together the weather decided to remember about Calgary being in a fairly northern climate... and has dumped about 40 cm of snow over the last week. I went biking several times anyway, but the salt will damage the bike so I'm going to limit my cycling acitivities until it's not so snowy/slushy.

I've realised that my rip to wrench exit signs off the ceiling has nothing to do with my mood at the time; I can be quite happy and relaxed, and still I'll see one and feel compelled to wrench it down. I guess I just know that whatever the situation it would be a very satisfying thing to do.

Someday I'll do it for real.

Tonight is Robbie Burns night for the geo dept. Yeah we're late but who cares. $2 single malts, haggis, and all sorts of scottish-type things.

Soon I'll post the results of the somewhat lacklustre parental advice contest.

Cheers mates!


Blogger Grumball said...

I love you too, Sarah!

3:13 PM, March 04, 2006


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