I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I am indeed. It's not fun. With me, as many of you know, a hangover can take me out of commission for a whole day. This case is no different. However on a positive note I have finally managed to eat something without messily rejecting it, which is a good thing. My friend Andrew from UNB geol is living and working here now, and another geo-buddy from UNB, Ryan Barr, who works at a drill site 4 hrs north, is in town for the weekend. Thus it was reunion/drinking time. They were impressed by my ability to chug a pint of beer in 3.8 sec (or whatever it is, ask Joe), and thus bought me three pints at the bar to watch me do it. They weren't being malicious, it's just that it was attracting a good kind of attention. I remember little from there. I know I spent two hours hugging the toilet at the house of a friend of Andrew's, and slept on the floor there. I have no idea how much I had exactly... 5 or 6 at the house we started at, then probably four pints at the bar. They had some amusing comments today when I woke up, too. Firstly that I have two levels: zero and fucked. And secondly that I'm like superman and beer is my kryptonite; I have this amazing power (to chug it really fast) but then it utterly destroys me. And on this occasion I was totally decimated.

I had to get home from the house which was downtown, so I walked to the c-train station. I got to the first station out of the city centre and had to get off. The motion was making me feel very sick, and there are not even any garbage cans on the train. Where the hell would I go?! So I walked most of the way home, which took about 1.5 hrs because I went so slowly. Worst walk ever. I got home and slept for four hours, which was excellent.

I do this all the time; get seriously wrecked even though I know it ruins me the next day. Everybody does it; we assess the situation at the time (when we're not in the best form to assess anything really) and decide "yeah one more's not gonna hurt", but if we say that about every drink, it becomes problematic. Still, it was a great night, lots of fun, and would I do it again? Of course, every bit of it.

Here is a brilliant animation with a very catchy tune. I suppose Joe should get credit for pointing it out to me in an e-mail, but as I visit that site regularly to check for new clips, I would have found it on my own, plus I'm the one providing you with a handy link. Therefore I will take the credit on Joe's behalf. You can also click here, here, or perhaps here.

Post band name suggestions below please! (see previous entry)

Good night to you all, loyal minions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there... i watched the animation... and i think is great...it made me laugh for a while...
Keep posting..!!

1:42 AM, February 06, 2006

Blogger Grumball said...

i wonder who that is...

1:45 AM, February 10, 2006


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