I have fun by looking at rocks. No really... I'm doing my masters on them. But no soft-sediment crap. That's scum hiding the good stuff. In Calgary since Jan 4, 2006. I am now 92.4% closer to the mountains I love.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Drumroll please...

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The biggest moment in popular culture since reptiles in Mexico briefly wondered what the hell an enormous burning rock was doing in the sky...
It's the results of the band name suggestions contest!

Here are the top two suggestions (my opinion) from each suggester, in no particular order:

No Fly Zone
Apathy Inc

Male Answer Syndrome
Alpha Geek

The Elastic Band (couldn't find it on the web anywhere)

Look Underneath the Mob

There can only be one... it has been a hard choice...
It's K-Rhyme!!!!!

I just think it's fantastic how it's pronounced "crime", and I absolutely cannot believe that there isn't a rapper or rap group with that name. It's perfect. I had to dissociate myself from the fact that I definitely wouldn't enjoy the music... the name is terrific!

Second Place:
Apathy Inc.

I really like this suggestion... however I trawled the web and unfortunately it is used. Actually so is No Fly Zone, Falter, and a few of the other suggestions that I didn't pick, namely:
Spontaneous Combustion
Mothers of Invention

So congratulations to Steve for winning. There is no prize for the win, other than you have my full support for the use of this band name, by you or someone else. For what that's worth. Actually you know it wouldn't be a bad idea to somehow copyright that name... it's too good. Then the self-important rapper you describe would have to pay you royalties for the use of the name. Not bad eh?

New contest: Best piece of motherly/fatherly advice ever given to you. Points for originality, depth of truth, or amusement value. I'll start with a father's most important piece of advice to his son possible:
Never pee into the wind.

So true.

Your turn!


Blogger jenn said...

I have two pieces of advice. The first is the best advice my Mom has ever given- it works in almost every situation (it's a bit of a cliche, I know, but cliches are cliches for a reason). The second doesn't really apply to me, but is really quite funny (and is in keeping with your entry, Grum):

1) Just take it one day/step at a time.

2) Never pee on an electric fence.

What's with all the advice concerning urination?? Hmmmmm...

7:02 AM, February 13, 2006

Blogger Travis said...

hmm.. best actual advice eh..

1. Don't use that cheese grater like that.

2. It is not safe to put that many beer in the fridge like that, they might fall out.

3.You know you really should have a curtain over your shower window.

... thats all for now

6:55 PM, February 13, 2006

Blogger Thérèse said...

I'm so glad you didn't use my suggestions because upon further reflection, they are very, very cool and I myself will be using them.

Congrats on your choice.

11:18 AM, February 14, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, these are in Spanish, so I hope it works as well in English.

1.- Caminando y meando para no hacer hoyo. Translation: Walking and peeing( at the same time) to make no holes. Do several things at the same time, don't stuck in something.

2.- Que no te dé frio hasta no ver pinguinos. Tranlation: Don't be afraid until you have to. (a loyal translation would be. Don't be freeze until you see penguins).

3.- No le busques 3 pies al gato sabiendo que tiene 4. Tranlation: Don't try to find 3 feet in a cat,you know it has 4.) Stay out of troubles.


6:47 PM, February 16, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Blogs up...watch out!......WEEEEEEEE!!!!

12:45 AM, February 17, 2006


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